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Niva- Flavours from Europe

Nov 23, 2021
Luberon-The jewel of the Provence-Where nature and art meet.
End of November. It's freezing in Paris. People are stepping on an endless dry, yellow leaves carpet. Why not sliding back with me in the...
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Nov 3, 2021
Nîmes- A French city dressed in a Roman costume.
Begining of November. Autumn starts manifesting its moody temper. I would like to take you to a journey with me, to a city I visited at...
3,920 views11 comments

Oct 7, 2021
The beauty of Dresden reawakens
Did it ever happen to you to visit a city where in the past, you have only passed there on the way to somewhere else? when you see it,...
3,668 views12 comments

Sep 10, 2021
Frankfurt am Main- Between the Past and the Future
The first time I saw Frankfurt was on the stage of Haifa's theater. My father, Josef Mundi, who was a playwright and a theater director,...
3,726 views20 comments

Aug 23, 2021
Wiesbaden - The elegant city with the golden dome.
From rainy Bavaria I have traveled to another region in Germany - The German State Hesse and to its capital Wiesbaden. On the way, I...
3,365 views16 comments

Aug 6, 2021
Füssen- An Inspiration for a tale.
Before going to, Füssen in Bavaria, I have checked the weather forecast for the following days. The little picture with the symbol of...
3,633 views23 comments

May 11, 2021
Just like honey
Introduction: Let's take an excursion in Tel Aviv. A city that stands out from the crowd, which will reveal to you its unusual beauty,...
2,506 views33 comments

Feb 22, 2021
20 seconds to find my sunglasses
20 seconds to find my sunglasses I was heading through the regular security checkups at the Charles de Gaules airport. I wasn’t preparing...
751 views5 comments

Nov 22, 2020
La Bourgogne-dreaming in gold and purple
Autumn is a beautiful season in Europe. It is spectacularly variegated. It's a period of subtle transformations. Just lovely to watch how...
1,465 views8 comments

Oct 20, 2020
Gorlitz-The Cinematic effect.
Gorlitz. The name, I have heard, seen many times. Staying in Berlin, in the neighborhood Kreuzberg.I have bumped into it on different...
1,072 views5 comments

Sep 25, 2020
רוטנבורג על נהר הטאובר,עיר מלהיבה מימי הביניים-בין שושנים לחרבות.
מהעיר לובק שבצפון גרמניה הגעתי לצפון בוואריה לעיר רוטנבורג על נהר הטאובר. תחילת אוגוסט,בחום מהביל. בעיר רוטנבורג נתקלתי לראשונה כל פעם...
370 views0 comments

Sep 25, 2020
Rothenburg ob der Tauber.A striking medieval town-between roses and swards
Rothenburg on the river Tauber From the city Lubeck to North-of Bavaria-Rothenburg on the river Tauber I have arrived at Rothenburg on...
1,067 views3 comments

Sep 2, 2020
Lubeck- Northern beauty with a heart of marzipan
Autumn is in the air,but we are not quite ready to separate from the summer. Let me introduce you to a great city I visited in the end of...
1,396 views5 comments

Aug 4, 2020
תמצא אותי (trouves moi)ב Trouville
האם חוויתם את התחושות האלה שצלילים מסוימים יכולים לעורר בכם לפני שבקרתם את המקום? אצלי, זאת שירת השחפים החגים מעל חוף הים. הם נשמעו לי...
228 views0 comments

Aug 4, 2020
Trouves moi (find me) in Trouville
Trouville-Sur- Mer Have you experienced the sensations that a sound can evoke you before you have started visiting the place? For me, it...
708 views5 comments

Jul 19, 2020
על פסגת הירח במנצ'סטר
הבעתי כבר את ההתלהבות העצומה שלי מהתיאטרון הבריטי כמו סיקור החוויה שלי מ"פינוקיו "שראיתי בלונדון .אבל לונדון זאת לא אנגליה ועד כמה זה קל...
117 views1 comment

Jul 2, 2020
On Top of the Moon in Manchester
Introduction During the time of the lockdown, I was looking at the earlier columns I have published this year. One evening I read an...
1,252 views5 comments

Jun 17, 2020
Bordeaux and Saint Emilion-The region of Wine and Beauty
The city Bordeaux has stirred my curiosity long before I have been visiting it.What an exciting name is Bordeaux.This passionate colour...
448 views0 comments

Jun 4, 2020
Weimar and Erfurt- living the old world
Weimar "Have you ever been to Weimar"? Asked my good French friend from Berlin "I think you would appreciate this city. The home of...
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Jun 2, 2020
בורדו וסנט אמיליון-מחוז היין והיופי
העיר בורדו עוררה את סקרנותי עוד הרבה לפני שביקרתי בה.איזה שם זה דרמטי "בורדו".הצבע התיאטרלי הזה אהוב עלי מאז ומתמיד. הוא גם צבעו של היין...
70 views0 comments
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